
聖蹟寺 恭祝南無藥師琉璃光如來佛誕法會

聖蹟寺 恭祝南無藥師琉璃光如來佛誕法會



  欣逢南無藥師琉璃光如來佛誕,世界佛教總部(W.B.A.H.)、聖蹟寺(Holy Miracles Temple) 、聖格講堂(Sanger Mission)將於20221030日(星期日)上午10:00 am,在聖蹟寺大雄寶殿啟建南無藥師琉璃光如來佛誕法會。屆時將帶領大眾恭誦《藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經》,舉行佛前大供,以此功德恭祝南無藥師琉璃光如來佛誕,祈願世界和平,風調雨順,國泰民安,消災延壽,福壽康寧,家庭和樂,盡除業障,福慧圓滿。歡迎十方善信踴躍參與,共霑法益!

時間:2022年1030日(星期日)上午10:00 am


聖蹟寺地址:1730 North Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103

文章鏈結: https://www.wbahq.org/ch/events/10302022/

Dharma Assembly to Respectfully Honor the Holy Birthday of Namo Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata

Namo Medicine Buddha, also known as the Medicine Guru Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata, is the Buddha presiding over the World of Pure Lapis Lazuli in the East, a majestic Pure Land of ultimate bliss. When the Medicine Buddha was a Bodhisattva, He made twelve great vows, resolving to save living beings from the suffering of illness, enable living beings to possess wholesome roots, and guide them to attain liberation.

On occasion of the Holy Birthday of Namo Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, Holy Miracles Temple, and Sanger Mission will jointly hold a Dharma Assembly to Respectfully Honor the Holy Birthday of Namo Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata in the Grand Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at Holy Miracles Temple, on Sunday, October 30, 2022, at 10:00 am. The congregation will be guided to respectfully recite the Sutra of the Vows of the Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata, make food offerings to Buddhas, and dedicate merit to honor the Holy Birthday of Namo Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata, as well as pray for world peace and favorable weather, pray for all countries to be prosperous, all people to be safe and encounter no calamities, have longevity, good fortune, wonderful health, happy families, all karmic hindrances eradicated, and have perfect good fortune and wisdom. All sincere and faithful believers are welcome to attend the Dharma assembly and share the benefits of Dharma.

Time: October 30, 2022, 10:00 am

Phone number: 626-797-1590

Address: Holy Miracles Temple, 1730 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103
