



為遵奉 佛陀慈悲利生教導,及感念佛陀、佛菩薩救度眾生大悲恩德,世界佛教總部將於“佛定放生日” 2022年10月29日(週六)上午9:30舉辦放生法會。以此功德迴向所有衆生離苦得樂,得聞正法,消災免難,福慧圓滿,國泰民安,世界和平!

文章鏈結: https://www.wbahq.org/ch/events/10292022/

Life Release Dharma Assembly to Honor the Life Release Day Designated by Buddha

Respectfully following the teachings of Buddha to compassionately benefit living beings, and gratefully remembering Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their great empathy and beneficence in saving living beings, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters will hold a Life Release Dharma Assembly to Honor the Life Release Day Designated by Buddha on Saturday, October 29, 2022. All merit will be dedicated to living beings for their sufferings to be eliminated, for them to have happiness, opportunities to listen to true Buddha Dharma, all adversities precluded, to have perfect good fortune and wisdom and to pray for world peace, prosperity for all countries, and harmony in humanity.

Date: 10/29/2022 at 9:30a.m.

Phone number: 626-797-1590

Address: 13759 Fiji Way

                Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
